Thursday, December 17, 2009

"52 Weeks"~~~~18/52 Photos of Me

Carin at "Forever in Blue Jeans" is the host of this year-long meme. She came up with the idea to have moms get "in the picture" for a change. After all, we are often the ones taking the photos. I've decided to take the challenge and am enjoying being a part of it. Come and join her. If you do, just link up to her blog.

Forever In Blue Jeans

~Cookie Baking~

I had one of the children take this photo of me which has nothing to do with cookie baking per se, but it had everything to do with tree decorating and Christmas, so I posed and here it is. A couple of my kiddos thought it was a little too posed, but that's ok in the name of "52 Weeks", right??

Now, on to cookies...

Every year, one of our traditions is to make lots and lots, or loads and loads as they say in England, of cookies. We make all different recipes and then plate them up and bring them to neighbors and friends. The rest is put into freezer bags to enjoy throughout the Christmas season. Before my dear dad passed away, he enjoyed joining in on our tradition. He loved cooking, baking, and most of all, being with his family. It brought him incredible joy. I really have to write a post about my dad soon.

My dear hubs is a cookie dough makin', dough rolling, frosting mixing, dough dividing genius. He typically is the one to make the dough needed for Christmas cut-outs. He's a food scientist, has worked with many thousands of cookies in the past, and currently works with cereal and morning snacks. This whole cookie business comes easy to him.

So on a Sunday, just a couple of weeks ago, we set out on our cookie mission.

Grant was helping me mix dough to make lebkuchen, a traditional German, spiced cookie. Shawn's mom always makes lebkucken, but her version is hard, which all of her children love. I don't have her exact recipe, so I found one on the internet. Note to self: ask Mom for that recipe. (Mine turned out well, but they weren't Mom's).

Shawn, in his math prowess, divided up the dough perfectly for each child to roll out and cut their favorite shapes.

My boy of many faces...

Did you know these guys, our identical twins, were born on Christmas Eve? Just thought I'd share. I had their birthday party this year in November just so they would have a special time all their own. I have yet to post about it.

Megan and Amy, my girls' friends, were over to join in on the Busse Baking party. They really enjoyed themselves. (In the photo: Melanie and Megan)

Amy & Braaten

By this point all of the cookies were being frosted and decorated.

I think this is half of what we made. We made 4 different types of cookies that day.

And last night, I had a cookie exchange (which is a foreign concept here in the UK) at my house and had made 4 dozen each of two types of cookies. I had 7 ladies show up and we had a great time. I have no pictures. Can you believe it? The women really loved the idea of exchanging all kinds of cookies and getting to take them home.

Bon Appetit'!


He & Me + 3 said...

What fun and great pictures. You are so pretty and those cookies look so yummy.

Heart2Heart said...

OH Carol,

Loving your not so posed picture of you in front of the tree. You look amazing!

Now on to cookies, I only wished we lived closer to exchange them between our families. These look so yummy!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

jules said...

Now that's a lot of people making a lot of cookies!

Amy said...

So fun! We have a similar tradition in my family, except we do it with all my aunts, uncles, cousins and now their kids. It is like a whole army baking cookies, but always a good time. :)

Carin said...

You look amazing, I love the pic in front of the tree. WOW that's a lot of cookies, such a neat tradition. I wanted to do a cookie exchange but I'll do it next year for sure.

Darcie said...

Can I just say you look like a 15 year old in that first young and pretty!

The cookie making looks fun, and it looks like you got it down to a science. ;-) Glad your lady friends enjoyed the Cookie Exchange.

Anonymous said...

I loved your post and pictures. And your memories of your dad and cookie baking... so wonderful. The enjoyment from your holiday season is everywhere... Happy Christmas to your family!

Kat said...

Ha, Carol. You crack me up. I mean about your comment on my blog yesterday. I can't wait to hear what you thought of your Amazon purchases. And while we are on the topic can I say... Don't you love Amazon? I sure do!

Now I must say sometimes it floors me the similarities between us. Sometimes I even see a photo that I think kind of looks like me. We always do the same... bake a boat load of cookies and then freeze them to put in tins with the gospel message to take to neighbors. We usually bake about 15 types because everyone has favorites they can not live without. We keep 1 dozen of each type for serving when guests drop by during the holidays.

I think it is so cool that your husband is a food scientist. I can not believe I never knew that before. How funny that you are such a naturalist when you know that fact:) I can't help thinking of Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation (a movie I do not recommend for the family unless you have a parent guardian player--- lots of bad language) where he is a food designer.

Now I must go. We are having a blizzard here... how exciting is that? The kids are out doors and hubby thinks I don't know that he slipped out to wrap my anniversary gift:) I was making eggnog which takes forever to cook, stirring the whole time. But now it is done and I hear the kids streaming in and I guess I should get out of my nighty before noon, which is in 7 minutes:)

Love to you my festive friend!


PS... are we going to get to read your husband's Christmas letter? I've been humming that silly song since I read that post the other day.

Joy said...

All those cookies looked great. How nice for your hubby to join in. How fun you introduced the cookie exchange to your friends there. I hope it catches on. You may have started something....
Merry Christmas,
♥ Joy