Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Giving Thanks ~ November 7, 8, 9, & 10

Where did 4 days of my thankful posts go? 
Time flies by.

Leah at South Breeze Farm has reminded us to give thanks this month. Quite honestly, we need to have a thankful heart everyday no matter what comes our way. God tells us to, and I am up for that challenge.
So here's my list...

7.) Fun Things To Do
I'm thankful that we have this quad that the kids get so much enjoyment out of. The kids wear their helmets and drive all around our property. They love having their friends go for a ride with them. Braaten is taking my friend, Kristi, and her son, Tyrus, for a ride in this photo. 

8.) Watching Melanie play soccer for the first time.
She is in the bottom row, far left.
Honestly, it's good to be done with the season, but we had a lot of fun cheering her team on.

9.) Volleyball :-)
Both Braaten and Melanie played volleyball for our home school co-op team.
Our entire family enjoyed watching them play. It was their first time playing and they improved so much from the beginning of the season. 
Austin even got to be a line judge.

10.) Emma Lynn
Baby Emma is as precious as a baby comes.
I'm not sure I have ever met a more content, joy-filled baby than her.
She is 5 months old and my girls and the twins are in love with her.
When she hasn't been around for a few days, they ask for her and want her to come over.

I want to just squeeze her and love her up.
And today I did just that!
Her mama and a few other friends came over for coffee and scones.

Thanks for stopping by.

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