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Leah over at South Breeze Farm is hosting this terrific meme. She is encouraging us to talk about what we are thankful for each day in November. Thanks, Leah, for inspiring me to come along on this journey.
Sometimes it's easy for me to feel overwhelmed, complain, or simply not take the time to remember all the goodness God gives me each and every day. I don't like that about myself. I'm pretty sure it ties into me being an impatient person. The title of my blog is "Joy in the Journey" and I, most certainly, am not always joyful. Ask my husband and children.
So now that I have aired one of the things I struggle with, it's high time I share what I am truly thankful for. What I write is not in any particular order, though it goes without saying for me that I am most thankful for my God, my precious husband, and my 5 children. Everything else is icing on the cake.
And since I am a few days behind, I'll put 4 things down and then keep up each day. I will also post it on my sidebar. :)
November 1st - I am thankful for our home. For many years we longed for a property that has acreage. We are living on 7 acres now, compared to 2/3 of an acre before our move to England. Our previous home was spacious, and fun, and a place we really enjoyed, but we have room to do all kinds of things now that we didn't before. We have a swimming pool, 9 chickens that give us fresh eggs daily, and a place to run around and play. I guess there was a whole bunch of thankful stuff mentioned in this 1st entry.
November 2nd - I love my husband more everyday. He is an amazing provider and he loves the Lord and wants to honor Him in all he does. Just the other day we had to get everything that was on the floor of the kitchen out to have the wood floors refinished for the 2nd time in 6 months. (That's a whole 'nother story.) And on this particular day, I had a homeschool co-op that the kids and I are involved in from 8:45 until 3. After that we headed home, I made dinner, and then had to go to the chiropractor. Yes, chiropractors go to other chiropractors to stay healthy. :-) After the chiropractor, which took awhile because it was my 2nd visit in which I saw my x-rays, I had to go and vote. I was running out of time because the polls close at 8 and my appointment was done around 7:15. I did not want to miss casting my vote and I made it!So after this long day, we had to clear the floor, not only of the kitchen, but the entryway, laundry room, and a powder room since all of these spaces are attached. Well, my dear husband cleared almost all of it while I brought kitchen stuff down to our basement. We are temporarily living down here (probably for the next week.) His work ethic is incredible and he knew what a long day I had had, not that he didn't, and wanted to make life easier for me.
Notice I am writing way too much because having been a horrible blogger in the past few months, there is tons I want to share with you.
November 3rd - My morning coffee. Seriously, I love waking up knowing that I will have my Biggby's coffee as soon as I can get it brewed.
November 4th - My children. I get to stay at home with the 4 youngers and homeschool. Our oldest, Austin, is at the local high school after being homeschooled for the past 7 years. He is doing fantastically, praise the Lord, and we are blessed that it is working out so well. And being home with Braaten, Melanie, Grant, and Cooper is what I love to do. Is it difficult at times? Yes. Would I change it? Not for all the world!
So that, my friends, is what I'm thankful for. How about you? Why don't you join Leah and write all about it.
Blessings, Carol
I didn't know you were a chiropractor! Great list by the way, and oh to have chickens and fresh eggs daily, I really want to try that one day too (when we get our acreage) ;)
Happy to see you pop up on my Reader! I LOVE that you raise chickens. So cool. Your home sounds amazing. And this is a wonderful gratitude list... {hugs}
Yahoo for morning coffee.....
Thanks for sharing! Have a happy day. You'll have to elaborate on the wood floors debacle soon!
Such a great list!! I'm thankful for many of the same things you are - including homeschooling and a relationship with the Lord. We definitely are blessed! Thanks for joining in this month!
- Leah
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