Thursday, November 17, 2011

Run, Girl, Run!!

I ran my first 10K this past Saturday. Yes, my first. I think stating it that way means there will be more runs to come.

I have been bitten by the running bug.

Shawn, my friend, Pam, her husband, Pastor Matt, and Sydney all ran together. 
Well, we each ran at our own pace, but we did this thing together. I loved every minute of it, um, except for those hills.

That part I didn't exactly love.

It was hard running 6.2 miles, but it was exhilarating all at the same time.

There is a certain camaraderie between runners and I love it.

I missed the very memo that I wrote about making a silly face for this photo. Actually, I think my timing was off. 

You see that headband I'm wearing?
I love running.
I hate running.
I love running.
I hate running.
Those words are so true.
I won it a long time ago, when I hadn't even started training yet, on Jennifer's blog called The Magic Brush. She is a sweet lady with a whole lot of talent! She has done a triathlon not long ago and is an inspiration to me in many ways. Go check out her blog. She is in the middle of trying to adopt and has written her story there. 

My time- 1:04:44,  Shawn's: 52:13,  Pam had her best time yet at right around 1:06, Pastor Matt came in 2nd place for his age group at about 47 minutes and even beat out the age group below that. Sydney had some struggles, but finished the race and we are all extremely proud of her. (Pam, I hope you don't mind me sharing times. :)


Mikki said...

Congrats to you girl!!

I ran my first 5k in October and I'm SUPPOSED to be in training for a half marathon in January but I've had a leg injury.. ugh!!
I was supposed to run a 10 mile run on Thanksgiving too but I don't see that happening. I am SOO far behind on training I don't know if I'll even keep running.
I love doing it but it seems my body is fighting me every step of the way...
Conrgats to you though. It is REALLY cool to cross a finish line. Makes you feel like you've really accomplished something!

Darcie said...

Had to get over to some of my favorite blogs, and wish you a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Anonymous said...


I am impressed. I have never run even a mile!

I wanted to tell you about my little Merry Christmas Giveaway that I am having.

Hope you are doing okay.


Anonymous said...

Hi again!

It was so nice to see you at my blog today!

I thought that I was already following your blog...I am now ☺.

☺ Hope

Anonymous said...

We were all proud of our times:)
Running isn't about beating other runners (and that's why I think we love it so much!) we are all working to become our best, i totally don't mind that you posted the times:)

1/2 is calling my name...I think it might be calling your too, LOL!