Monday, September 12, 2011

coming and going

Mondays around here are going to start to look like this...

*Head out by 9 for Braaten and Melanie to take horse-riding lessons from 10 - 11:30 a.m. They took lessons in England for the 2 years that we were there which makes them 2 very happy girls.

*Leave Augusta and head back to our house unless I have errands to run in between. Both girls have a 1/2 hour piano lesson in Marshall starting at 1:30.

*Pick up the high school children (Austin, my 15 year old, and 2 friends, Sarah and Ben) at 2:30.

*Get home by 3 and see any scheduled patients, then make dinner.

*Leave at 5:30 for Melanie's dance class from 6 - 7 pm

*Head to AWANA (starting on October 3rd) to drop the twins off after dropping Mel off at dance. 

*Melanie has to be picked up at 7 and the twins at 8.

Yikes! Mondays will be a challenge unless I have a plan.


Diana Ferguson said...

Wow! Yeah, have to have a plan.

Darcie said...

Mondays...if you thought they were tough before, they will just be a challenge now. :-) Somehow, I think you will pull it off perfectly.

That camera girl said...

Aww, the girls are doing horse-back riding? That sounds awesome! I've always wanted to do that. Hope they have a great time

Mikki said...

Ugh. Don't you just days like that.. LOL. NOT!!

Hope it all went well!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol,
That sound SO complicated. Good luck! ☺
~ Hope
P.S. In case you would like to stop by…I started blogging again… My Hope Is in the Lord - The Simple Life of Hope