Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - FRIENDSHIP

My very best friend

My Michigan Friends

My NJ friends

Sarah and I in London

Friendship is a gift from God. There are so many of you not pictured because I'm not sure if you would want to be on a public blog or because I don't have a picture of you stored in this new computer. I cherish each one of you and love you from the bottom of my heart.

Not so wordless today. Check out "5 Minutes for Mom" to see more WW posts.


Kimmie said...

Friends are blessing, aren't they? :)

My Wordless Wednesday

One Mom said...

friends...they make all the difference in life, don't they?

E @ Scottsville said...

Friendships - what wonderful gifts!!! I totally agree!

I am Harriet said...

YEAH for friends!

He & Me + 3 said...

So great to have so many friends all around the world.

Debra Kaye said...


You can see the love you have for your friends in the expressions in your pictures and the verbage in your post. It's quite lovely!

Blessings to you!

Rachel said...

Hey! What about a picture with you and all your bloggy friends? You could crop us all in together. . . in front of Stonehenge, okay? ;)

MiMi said...

Friends are such a blessing, aren't they? And how neat that we are all blessed to have friends all over the world through blogging!

Hope you're having a great week!

Femin Susan said...

friendships are wonderful gifts.

momstheword said...

I cherish my friends too, but you're right, I wouldn't print a pix of them without their permission. Some wouldn't mind but some might.

petrii said...

I tried to send you an email, but then saw that I sent it to noreply ~~ I am a goober =)


Anyway I wanted to let you know that my birthday is Aug 26th ~~ not even kidding!!! How funny is that!! I am one day older than you and I'm feeling it =)

So what brought you to England? Your family is so beautiful!!

Have a Blessed day,

E @ Scottsville said...


We homeschooled until I went back to work and then we went straight to a Christian School with our kiddos. We love it! Our public schools here are NOT good and I was NOT going to put them into it. Just couldn't do it!!! But the school we chose has been wonderful and I'm so glad we did... even if financially it has been HARD. Feel free to email me with questions. My email address is on my blog sidebar.