1. "Summer is like childhood. It's full of warm memories and gone too soon."~Kellie Elmore Agree or disagree? Share something you loved about the summers of your childhood.
** I grew up in the city, Hoboken to be exact. There weren't too many, if any, public pools that I can recall. Actually, I do remember one or two empty pools that I always wondered about. Maybe the up-keep was a bit much. With that said, one of my greatest summertime memories are when my Aunt Judy would call us and tell us that she's taking us to the Bayonne pool. The excitement that we all felt was amazing. We would take a bus from Hoboken to Bayonne and walk a few blocks. Aunt Judy brought some snacks and would buy us lunch. We had the best times in that pool!
2. Are you a fan of auto racing-NASCAR, Indy, Stock, Grand Prix, etc? Ever been to a race in person? Any desire to do this? Do you know a lot about cars? Do you notice particular makes and models when you're out and about?
**Meh, I could take it or leave it. I suppose if I had the opportunity to go to a race, I would jump at the chance. It would be really cool to experience I think.
3. What's something you think is too serious to be joked about? Or do you think anything and everything is fair game?
**Oh no, anything and everything is not fair game. Making fun of someone for how they look, whether overweight, new braces, too short, too skinny, etc., makes me crazy! I think people can be so insecure which makes them somehow feel better about themselves if they are putting someone down.
4. July 29th is National Lasagna Day. Are you a fan? Do you have a great recipe, and if so where did it come from? If given a choice would you choose a plate of lasagna or a plate of spaghetti?
**Lasagna? Why yes, I'd love some! I'd choose the lasagna over spaghetti every time. I think it's all that cheese in there. I have a recipe I like to make that includes my parents' delicious sauce aka "gravy." Sometimes I put spinach in my lasagna, sometimes hamburger meat and sausage. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
5. What's a simple pleasure you'd miss if it were not a regular part of your life?
**Probably having my own swimming pool. I know that once the kids are all grown up, the pool will not be used as much making us consider not opening it. That makes me sad just thinking about it. When I go in for my regular eye check-ups, I get into conversations with my doctor about our pools. He has mentioned more than once how he and his wife don't use it nearly as much since there kids are off on their own.
6. If you could be the CEO of any company, which would you choose?
**Hmmm... I've never thought about this. Perhaps Cadbury!! I'd taste all that yummy chocolate on a regular basis. Just keepin' it light here. ;)
7. August is just around the bend...bid farewell to July in exactly seven words.
**July, please don't go so soon...please!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
**My son, Austin, is heading off to college in a few short weeks. He'll be attending Michigan State University. I'm pretty excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time! We just bought season tickets for him to the football games. I can just see him now... He will be in his glory at those games!
Carol, my friend. So happy to see you and catch up a bit on life in your neck of the woods. Hard to imagine Austin going off to college. Wasn't he just a kid?
What a great gift for a college-bound son! It's always hard to see them leave home. If you get the job at Cadbury will you hire me as a taste tester? Lol When we went to England, if it hadn't been for all the walking we did, I would have packed on the pounds from all the Cadbury. :-)
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