Running has a way of giving me ample opportunity to pray, and think... and remember.
It was during one specific run last weekend that my brother came to mind. It was as my iPod played the song, "Philadelphia", by Bruce Springsteen. I know that choosing that song to be on one of my playlists was intentional so that I would remember him. It has a great melody, too.
You see, my brother died at the age of 32 of AIDS. I remember watching the movie of the same title with Tom Hanks playing the main character. It was eery watching it because at the very same time, Bobby was very ill. He had been sick for many years. I remember crying my eyes out because the circumstances, illness, pain, and sadness were so close to that of Bobby's experience. He was so young with so much more to do, but God had a plan for his life. Our days are numbered and July 1, 1995 was his day to go and be with the Lord.
What a wonderful day it was when my cousin Connie prayed with Bobby to have a saving relationship with Christ about a month before he died. Knowing that is what gives me peace about his death.
I miss his handsome face, his beautiful blue eyes, his resemblance to both my mom and dad. I miss the way he laughed and danced. Oh, I miss my big brother.
I thought I would have a post about the New Year... 2012, but when a memory comes to me that clearly and that strongly, I have to write about it. So as I reflect on 2011, and look forward to all that God has for me, my husband, and my family in 2012, I remember those that have gone before me.
I remember my brother who is dear to me.
the stuff threshold
4 hours ago
Hi Carol, Happy New Year to you all. I love that song and that Movie. I'm so sorry to hear about your Brother, may the sweet memories you have of him always fill your heart.
Hello, dear friend.
My heart ached for you as I read through this post. My brother, as quirky as he is, is so dear to my heart. I can not imagine journeying without him. As I was reading I was asking myself... but was he saved? Did he know the Lord? And then I got to that paragraph and my heart soared.
Yes, that movie sticks out in my mind. something got me to thinking about it just recently. The scene that always comes to my mind is when Tom Hanks is listening to his beloved Opera in his loft and he gets up and is totally consumed in the music and the moment. When I remember that movie that's all that comes to mind... Tom Hanks, the music and the IV pole.
Of course, we knew so little about the disease at the time. As a health care professional it was close to my heart.
I don't know what else to say to you except thank you for sharing your brother with us.
So sorry for your hard loss Carol. I'm glad you have peace amidst the sadness. Sending you a hug today.
nice post...thanks for sharing...blessings soraya
Dearest Carol~ Thank you so much for sharing about Bobby. It was a pleasure to walk with him as my partner on your wedding day. He was so gorgeous. I have a great picture with him. I still remember when you told me. I had a cousin who was diagnosed in the early 1990's. It was terrifying moments for us as well. The "cocktail" as they call it came afterwards I believe after 1996? Today he would have lived a long life. What I remember most is his beautiful smile. It was an honor and privilege to know him.....
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