Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Menu Plan Monday!

I originally wanted to post this yesterday.

Here is my plan for the week:

My busy Monday means I need something fast and easy. Shawn made a meat sauce last night so I'll use that again tonight.

Monday:  Pasta with meat sauce and salad

Tuesday: Loaded baked potatoes, fresh-baked bread, and orange slices.

Wednesday: Tilapia fillets, mixed vegetables, a rice dish, and sliced pears.

Thursday:  Grilled salmon, salad, and broccoli.

Friday:  Chicken cutlets with a honey mustard sauce, baked potatoes, and sliced carrots.

Saturday:  My hubby is an excellent cook. We'll either make something together or he'll surprise me. Either way, it's a win-win.

Our family has the habit of having dessert every night. I think it's time I find some healthy alternatives since I am moving to a healthier lifestyle. If you have any ideas, please post them. :-)

What's on your menu for the week?? 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Monday!

This morning I started my day with the Lord first thing. I love my iPhone and the ability to have God's Word at my fingertips. I have His Word in the Bible my husband gave me also, but I am enjoying the "Bible in a Year" plan that I am reading through the Holy Bibly App. I also read the daily devotional that Joyce Meyer has on it.

I called my friend, Barb, a little while ago. Her husband, Skip, died one year ago today. She sounded very sad, but strong. She has told me in the past that she cries everyday for him. They had a beautiful marriage and I can understand her tears. I can only imagine if she didn't know the Lord, how much more difficult this journey of mourning would be. 

I read a couple of blogs this morning and came across, Pearls and Grace. I love getting to know other Christian women through blog world. God can even use blogging to grow us in our faith. 

Have a blessed day. It's time for me to get some work done around here. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Double Digits

Aren't birthdays fun!?

These fellas of mine, the twins, Grant & Cooper, my babies... they LOVE it when their birthday is fast approaching. The Christmas lights are up, cookies galore are being baked, shared, and eaten, the Amazon packages are coming in left and right, I'm trying to keep track of birthday versus Christmas gifts, cookie exchanges are taking place, ugly Christmas sweaters are being worn, and I'm about worn out!

Not these boys! The party is just getting started for them. You would think that a birthday on Christmas Eve would be a bummer, that you might feel slighted because Jesus' birthday is the next day and He is the One that this time of year, Christmas, is all about. Well it is, but Grant and Cooper are overjoyed and feel special to have been born on December 24th.

My little guys turned 10 this time around! Yes, double digits abound around here. And just to remind myself of this scary thought, in a mere 3 years, there will be teenagers everywhere! 5 of them. Gulp!

Braaten adores her little brothers. She has given them fun, and sometimes crazy, nicknames. They even have different aliases- aka Max and Joey. 

Our children are a gift and having 2 at the same time is unbelievably special.
When I was told I was having twins, because we were all clueless for the first 20 weeks, I was beside myself with disbelief, fear, giddiness, and joy. My poor hubby was home sick during the ultrasound so he received the news a tad later than me. The man's sickness just about disappeared in an instant when I told him. Twin news will do that to you.

Leading up to their birthday, Shawn baked cookies and helped them decorate them. It's one of our traditions. We bake loads of cookies and share them with friends and neighbors.

These were Christmas presents from their sisters. See? That's what happens. Birthday and Christmas photos get mixed up and while this is a birthday post, Christmas will inevitably be in the mix. I'll tell you this much, though. This mama will NEVER wrap their birthday presents in Christmas wrap. People have shared with me how important it is to keep the two separate. I respect that and abide by it.

 Happy 10th birthday, Grant and Cooper. When God brought you into this world, he added two little gentlemen to the Busse mix. You bless us each and every day. I love you!!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Streets of Philadelphia

Running has a way of giving me ample opportunity to pray, and think... and remember.

It was during one specific run last weekend that my brother came to mind. It was as my iPod played the song, "Philadelphia", by Bruce Springsteen. I know that choosing that song to be on one of my playlists was intentional so that I would remember him. It has a great melody, too.

You see, my brother died at the age of 32 of AIDS. I remember watching the movie of the same title with Tom Hanks playing the main character. It was eery watching it because at the very same time, Bobby was very ill. He had been sick for many years. I remember crying my eyes out because the circumstances, illness, pain, and sadness were so close to that of Bobby's experience. He was so young with so much more to do, but God had a plan for his life. Our days are numbered and July 1, 1995 was his day to go and be with the Lord.

What a wonderful day it was when my cousin Connie prayed with Bobby to have a saving relationship with Christ about a month before he died. Knowing that is what gives me peace about his death.

I miss his handsome face, his beautiful blue eyes, his resemblance to both my mom and dad. I miss the way he laughed and danced. Oh, I miss my big brother.

I thought I would have a post about the New Year... 2012, but when a memory comes to me that clearly and that strongly, I have to write about it. So as I reflect on 2011, and look forward to all that God has for me, my husband, and my family in 2012, I remember those that have gone before me.

I remember my brother who is dear to me.