Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Tour of Homes

I'm joining the Christmas Tour of Homes at "The Nester".


Welcome! Come on in and take a tour with me.

We have a gazillion ornaments as you can plainly see. It's clear to me that I need more than just one tree... (I wasn't trying to rhyme just then, but it kind of worked out).

My dear hubby and I bought this angel before we were even married. We knew it's simplicity was perfect for us.

I love remembering my parents especially at this time of year. My sister, Tracey, had this special ornament made for each of her siblings.

Cooper, who loves sports, painted this one himself.

The Nativity ~ I love this one because of its shine and for what it represents.

Ah, yes, Peace... it's not always what we feel during this time, yet it's what we yearn for.

Jim Shore makes these colorful pieces.

He is the Reason for the Season.

My nutcracker collection. Not a single nut has ever been cracked with one. Wait! I take that back. I have five kids and know at least one has tried it.

Our hutch with Spode Christmas dishes. I got this set here in England down in a town called, Stoke-On-Trent. It's where the "Potteries" can be found; stores like Burleigh, Spode, and others that I can't seem to remember the name of.

A splash of red.

I cut some branches off a bush and made this. It's cheap and I like it.

I hope you'll come back again with a hot cup of coffee or tea and stay awhile.
Merry Christmas!

14 comments: said...

The Jesus stocking is wonderful! Do you fill it? We just did a post on the tradition of the White Stocking where everyone writes a gift of love that they will do and puts it in His stocking.

Joy said...

Your house looks beautiful. I love how your mantle looks with the stockings.


Sandy said...

Your home is beautiful! Your tree truly looks a lot like mine!
some of the same homemade ornaments!

Andrea said...

Absolutely beautiful decorations.
Blessings, andrea

Andrea said...

Absolutely beautiful decorations.
Blessings, andrea

Darcie said...

I would LOVE to sit for a spell at your home and chat over some coffee! It looks absolutely beautiful did a great job!

Heart2Heart said...


Beautiful! I love it all! Your home just feels so warm and inviting. Thank you for letting us all in to visit.

I love the Jesus stocking. Where did you pick that up? My wish list items are some Jim Shore pieces as they are so cute and whimsical and I want a Willow Creek Nativity, a piece at a time would be lovely and something that I can add to each year.

I love how you decorated and some simple techniques like the branches and ornaments, really dress up the table.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

He & Me + 3 said...

Gorgeous decorations. I love your front door. That Jesus stocking is awesome and your tree is so beautiful and full. love it.

Rachel said...

I LOVE your overly full mantle of stockings! That is awesome! And your deco looks wonderful in every other way, too!

A Stable Beginning said...

Everything is just beautiful, you have a lovely home. Love your tree and mantle. We have the same hutch. Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas!

Dena Pickle said...

you have a beautiful home. very festive
merry christmas

petrii said...

What a beautiful home!! I love all of your decorations, especially the angel on top of your tree. How beautiful and meaningful. I also LOVE the Jesus stocking!!!

Have a Beautiful evening friend,

Charity said...

I love your stockings, your home is lovely. GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Kat said...

Your home is every bit of elegant that I thought it would be. I like the Jim Shore too. Your tree reminds me a lot of ours. Tons of ornaments and each has some special meaning. Our angel, too, is very basic and simple but just us. We have a tradition with a little card that Brianna made in Sunday school when she was 3. It says the greatest gift of Christmas Jesus. It is stuffed into the toe of someone's stocking when they are hung at the beginning of the season and is a special treat to be found by someone on Christmas Eve when they empty their stockings before going to bed.