That's a play on words because there's a theme park in Michigan with the same name. That's not what I'm talking about here. It's about all the great adventures we had when we visited back home in Michigan, both in November and in August.
I have been blogging about all the fun times we had on our most recent U.S. excursion. The trouble is I'm taking a couple of months to share all the blessings (with the holidays and 3 birthdays most recently). I hope you don't mind because I really want to talk about all the great friends and family we have spent time with in our seemingly endless travels. The thing is, I will not be able to finish it all in this post, it will be ongoing until I end in Indiana.
God has abundantly blessed us with amazing friends no matter where we have been. We lived in Michigan for the past five years and it's where we plan on settling back in after our stay in England. That is if it's God's plan, too. Without our friends in Michigan and prayers from friends and family in various parts of the U.S., our international move would have been much harder.
These are "My Girls"- girlfriends that were there for me before I left. My sweet friends that shared life with our family, girlfriends that I had coffee with, or who took care of my children while I worked part-time, friends that would hug me in church every Sunday morning, friends that ministered in A.W.A.N.A. with me, friends that didn't invite me to their wedding because they didn't know me well enough then :-), friends that went Christmas shopping with me, friends that talked back and forth with me in funny voices, friends that went to Christian womens conferences together, and friends that will be friends forever.

Meet Natalie, Jamie, Lizzy, and Sarah

Natalie and Nate comtemplating their next move on the Wii

Jamie, Laura, Lizzy, and Sarah

Shannon and Ryan. Shannon and her husband, Ken, have opened their home when we travel back to the U.S. She makes the best BLT's, makes roast chicken and all the fixins', does laundry for us when she has her own to do and I haven't asked, and makes us feel right at home. She makes the best lattes, too.

Melanie, Maddie (Lizzy's daughter), and McKenna (Natalie's daughter)
OK, an unfair picture, I agree, but Sarah actually wanted to buy these and was trying to talk me into liking them, too. If she had a blog, a silly picture of me would be pasted on it for good.
Here's Shannon at Barne's and Noble Bookstore.

Luke (Lizzy's son) was having a great time at Eagle Lake.

Jamie holding Natalie's son, Jonah, with Liz in the background. Jamie is pregant here and is due with her first this coming March.

Maddie and Mellie reading a book with Austin looking over their shoulders.

Sarah and Austin. Those glasses are much better!

Sarah's sweet girl, Sydney, at Eagle Lake.

Brianna and Braaten seeing each other for the first time after several months of being apart.

Carol, Sarah, and Liz

Mellie and Maddie at the lake.
Beautiful Shannon
Austin at Shannon's petting their puppy, Jake.
What's going on with Sarah in this picture? Hmm? Jonah is enjoying his pizza.
We all matched and weren't even planning it. What a great picture!
Shawn and I with Liz and Mike
Friends are so dear to me. I'm not sure I have always appreciated my friends as I should. Moving always makes you reflect on how much they mean. I hope all of my dear, precious friends reading this know how much they are loved. Even if you aren't in the pictures. Chances are really good that you will be in a future post. :-)
Phillipians 1:3 "I thank my God everytime I remember you."
We have wanted to go to Michigan Adventure, but always end up at Cedar Point.
Great pictures and great memories with your friends.
Carol, I think your blog is awesome! I love the Europe senery. It reminds me of my traveling college years.:) You are doing a great job at blogging. I have missed your families smiling faces, but now I can find them here :)
Love and Blessings,
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