Sunday, September 27, 2009

You're Gonna Miss This Moment ~

This is not just any, old pile of fruit.

Every year on the first day of school, in our homeschool, my sweet children give me an apple, or a lemon, or an orange, or whatever fruit I have available.

It is such a sweet tradition because that piece of fruit they are handing me says, "I love you, Mom. Thank you for sacrificing and teaching me, for sitting and reading to me, for grading my school work, and juggling all the other mommy stuff you have to do. Things like thinking up what we can have for lunch, or throwing in another load of laundry, or baking more zucchini bread, or driving us to our riding lesson, or cleaning the house, paying the bills, or writing a new blog about me, or making the dinner I requested." OK, I know I quoted those statements, and perhaps they have never voiced it in exactly that way, but I know they are thankful for the education they are receiving at home because of what God has called us to do.

They have been doing this for the past 7 years and it touches my heart and puts tears in my eyes because of how much they mean to me. Homeschooling is no easy feat, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Having my husband behind me in this 110% makes my job so much easier. He takes on the role of grading, and setting up testing schedules, going over things he sees that the kids might be having difficulty with, and doing a million other wonderful daddy things, that it makes our homeschool that much richer. I couldn't do it without him!

I love you guys! I'm sure gonna miss getting that piece of fruit in early September one day.

"You're Gonna Miss This" is a weekly blog carnival where you write about moments that you'll miss with your kids. Those moments happen every, single day.

For more "You're Gonna Miss This" posts, go over and visit Pam. She is the brainchild behind this weekly meme and this is her 52nd week of doing it. Happy Anniversary, Pam.


Sandy said...

This is very touching! Have a great year of school and life with your family.

He & Me + 3 said...

What a sweet tradition. I am sure once they are all in college you will miss this so much. Your children are just precious. Here's to a great school year!

Mimmy said...

Carol - I found your blog from Kat at Heart2Heart. The fact that you realize that someday you will miss the "little" moments with your children before they are gone will make them even more precious to you. Our children are all grown and have families of their own so we are now enjoying our grandchildren. There are many precious moments that I now miss but I am able to enjoy totally new ones as a Mimmy. Thank you for sharing.

God Bless,

Pam said...

What a precious moment! You have such sweet kids! Thanks for playing along with me faithfully!! And being my friend! I am reminded of all the work that home schooling is! I dont' know what it is like to have 110% from a hubs, but I have to say that I agree it makes it all possible! way to go shawn! have a great week of school!!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

OKay, in all the years that we homeschooled, I never ONCE got an apple or any piece of fruit. *grunt*

I think that's awesome! =0)

Happy Monday!


Mikki said...

How precious is that!! I love that!!
It is so sweet to look back on things and think how much we are going to miss them when they are gone.

Homeschooling has been such a great blessing in our family and I love reading how it has meant so much to others too.