We had this photo taken on Thanksgiving day. Jill and Sarah collaborated their efforts (one held the umbrella and the other one shot!) and got this for our Christmas card.
It's in front of our new home. I realized just the other day that I have not, in fact, posted many pictures of it on my blog. So.... when I have the time, and that's few and far between lately, I shall post pictures of the Busse Homestead. Sound good?
Today I am baking cookies for a cookie exchange that I was invited to. Because there will be 21 other ladies there, I have to bake 88 cookies plus 8 more to put out on a plate for sampling. My cookie choice is:
Cherry Chocolate Shortbread Cookies
I'm not a HUGE fan of shortbread, but these are yummy!
If you'd like the recipe, I'll post it with a photo of the cookie tomorrow.
On Saturday night we'll go to our church's Saturday night service where we serve in the ministry for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It's called Next Level and is the "Sunday School" for those grade levels. We are really enjoying working with the kids. There was a time when Shawn and I lead A.W.A.N.A for 5 years, and now the Lord has us in Next Level. I think you move to different ministries as your kids grow. That's the case for us anyway. And the beauty of not leading A.W.A.N.A. anymore is that we now go on a date while our younger 3 are there and the older 2 are serving as leaders in training. God's provision is perfect!
Grant and Cooper, our 8 year old Christmas Eve twins, have a birthday to celebrate soon. Because their birthday falls on that date, we usually plan their birthday party on a different day. So this Sunday they'll get to have 7 of their friends over for a few hours in celebration of them turning 9. They are so excited! It looks like we might have snow and the hubs will be entertaining 9 young gentlemen perhaps on the quad around our property. Grant has requested a coconut cake for his birthday and Cooper would like white cake with white frosting. And, yes, I do make 2 cakes because they are individuals after all.
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Blessings to you,