Take a journey with me of how much Austin has changed in his 13 years.
Going from 0 to 13 in one post is bittersweet to say the least. Actually, just yesterday the Lord gave me an idea to put those same years in a photo album (not the fancy scrapbook-one-page-in-an-hour-and-a-half kind), but the quick stick-em-in-a-pocket-and-quickly-journal-them kind). That was still a fairly monstrous task and I got from birth to 6 years and presented it to him this morning. The thing is that took me about 4 hours and this ONE post is taking me over 2 hours. Does that make sense? I hope it will one day when I have a "Blook" made out of my blog. I am ever so thankful that God prompted me to do that. Take a look at some of the photos I put in Austin's album.
Note: I had to scan many of the photos (so excuse the quality), and since I got only to year six, you'll not find pictures from about ages 7 through 11. It's kept this post slightly shorter anyway. :-)

Here we are at the hospital in Pittsburgh. Austin Robert was born on 3/22 and weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz.

I've always thought that he looks like a little man in this picture. It was fun parting his hair on the side.

Happy 1st Birthday, Austin! Does it look like he just woke up from a nap or is it me?

Oh what fun he had in his little jumpee thing! He looks a little worn out though.

He's about 9 months old here. (My photos are a little out of order because of the way blogger has you upload photos). Note to self: Do NOT ever where straight-legged, tight, checkered, black & white pants again!

Austin had a "Barney" party for his 2nd birthday.

Somehow I missed putting in a newborn picture of Braaten. She was born shortly before Austin turned 2. Melanie is our 3rd baby that joined our growing family in April, 2000. Austin was a big brother once again at the age of 4.
Austin and Braaten together around Christmas time when Braaten would be turning 1. Aren't they sweet?

We are jumping now to his 5th birthday where we had a bowling party. Here are his friends from left to right: Elizabeth, Victoria, Ian, sister, Melanie in the high chair, then Austin, Kyra, and sister, Braaten.

Austin's 1st day of kindergarten. We were all very excited for his big adventure. In second grade we started our homeschool adventure which was clearly a leading from the Lord.

On December 24th of that year, he was a big brother to our twin boys, Grant and Cooper.

Birthday # 6. I'm pretty sure Grant and Cooper were napping or one of them was born a photographer.

Austin was taking this picture and he did a great job. Look at those chubby little twins!

On his last day of school in 1st grade, we decided to take him to the driving range for a year well done. He's a sportsman through and through.

We're taking a giant leap to age 12. He played for the Marshall Redhawks with a travel team. I really miss him being able to continue on with that team since our big move. He has found a team in England, but it's just not the same.

In April of 2008, Austin was being presented with the Timothy Award from A.W.A.N.A. My husband was the Commander at the time and was honored to present 2 awards that day - one to Austin and one to Brianna. Pastor James, on the left, from our church in Michigan, was a huge encourager of the two of them receiving this award.

Our proud Timothy Award recipient.

Here we are celebrating his 13th birthday at a restaurant in the Trafford Centre in Manchester, England. What a great mall that is!

Shawn took Austin on a dream fishing trip just yesterday. They were on a charter boat for 8 hours & caught over a hundred fish. That's a dogfish by the way. No one else caught one and really wanted to. They had an amazing time.

Can the boy be any happier?

I think this fish is called a "Dab".
Happy Birthday, Austin. We are proud of the young man God is molding you into and are blessed to be called your mom and dad.
I couldn't finish this writing without saying, this is my "100th" post and I'm SO excited! It has been a blessing to share our family adventures with you as we experience "Joy in the Journey". I've met so many wonderful blogging friends through this and have been able to keep in touch with my family and friends in a unique way. I have enjoyed every minute of it.
Keep reading and it means a great deal to get your comments, too. All bloggers love comments. I guess that's how we connect. Here's to a hundred more posts!
FYI: Today is Mother's Day, a.k.a. Mothering Day, in England. At church, they gave out red mylar balloons that read, "I Love You" in white. It was a really nice service.
Happy Sunday!! May the Lord's abundant blessings be upon you.