Pam does a weekly meme called "Your Gonna Miss This Moment". It's about writing about those times with your children that one day you will miss. Even the tough things we go through or the challenges we have will be missed at some point. Certainly all the great times we have together will be remembered and even wished for again. Time goes so fast. Take this opportunity to write about one of those "moments". To read more of these, go here.
Megan, Braaten, Amy, and Melanie.
My daughters are the 2nd and 4th from the left. The other two girls are sisters and my daughters' friends. We go to church with their family and every Wednesday we do a girl swap. Their mom, Jane, comes to pick one of my daughters up and leaves one of hers and the next week we switch again. She is kind enough to do the pick up and drop off for me. I always try to cook a special meal for them and make a nice dessert, too. American cooking and recipes are different from English cooking. There are some similiarities, but I like to make things that maybe they haven't tried. For example, one night I made sloppy joes and another, chicken enchiladas. And one thing they love is Rice Krispie treats of all things. It's not something they make here. Their family has also joined our small group which will knit our hearts together too.
These two sets of sisters are becoming very close as the weeks go by and it's sweet to watch. The problem is one day we're going to move back to Michigan and they will have to say goodbye. If you think I'm "gonna miss this", imagine how they will feel. This special English family will always have a place to visit back in the U.S. and I hope that one day will.
I didn't mean for this to be such a sad one, but it will happen one day.